匹兹堡中文学校诚聘有爱心和责任心,有教学经验, 并有工作许可的有关人士加入教师队伍。




1语文课(Sunday 2:00pm-3:50pm):
      幼儿班老师(K1, K2) 
2文体课(Sunday 4:00pm-5:00pm):
      舞蹈老师,武术老师,乒乓球, 羽毛球老师
      其它文体专长老师: 围棋, 中国象棋, 唱歌, 绘画, 书法, 中国民族乐器, 手工及剪纸等。


申请人请网上填写 教师职位申请表, 并将简历电邮至 hr@pittsburgh-chinese-school.org , 学校审阅申请表及简历后与申请人联系并安排面试。



1) 未成年学生 - 未成年学生将有机会进入语言课教室和文体课教室,一方面做义工,一方面继续学习中文语言和中华文化。PCS 也有少量其它特殊事件可以安排志愿者,比如年度野餐聚会。 申请人请网上填写 未成年人义工申请表, 并将简历电邮至 hr@pittsburgh-chinese-school.org , 学校审阅申请表及简历后与申请人联系并安排面试。

2) 成年人 - 在美国合法居住的成年人,有机会进入课堂做教学义工,或者中文学校批准的其它形式的义工。 申请人请网上填写 教师职位申请表, 请勾选 “我将做义工/I will work as a volunteer” ,并将简历电邮至 hr@pittsburgh-chinese-school.org , 学校审阅申请表及简历后与申请人联系并安排面试。


1) Congressional Award: US Congress Award for Young Americans (国会奖)

Before starting any activity, participants need to register at https://www.congressionalaward.org. The day you sign up is the day you may begin counting activity towards the program. Participants are eligible to register with the Award at 13 1/2 years old. Participants are eligible to submit completed record book applications when they reach the age of 14 years old. HOUR + MONTH REQUIREMENTS: You must complete at least one hour of activity in a month for that month to count. Months of activity do not need to be consecutive. No more than eight hours of activity per day.

2)President Volunteer Service Award (PVSA, 总统义工奖)

PCS has been an official Certifying Organization for PVSA since 7/26/2022. Applicant Must be a United States citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States (i.e., green card holder).  Applicants Must complete eligible service within a 12-month period (for annual Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards) and over a lifetime (for Lifetime Achievement Awards)

Award Levels – Service Benchmarks

Age Group Bronze Silver Gold Lifetime
Kids (5-10) 26-49 50-74 75+ 4,000
Teens (11-15) 50-74 75-99 100+ 4,000
Young Adults (16-25) 100-174 175-249 250+ 4,000
Adults (26+) 100-249 250-499 500+ 4,000
Families & Groups 200-499 500-999 1,000+ 4,000
For more information, please refer to 匹兹堡中文学校总统义工奖规定

3) PCS Volunteer Service Award (中文学校义工奖)

Pittsburgh Chinese School rewards the volunteers who provided service to PCS according to the service hours, regardless of nationality.

Honor Bronze Silver Gold
30-44 hours 45-59 hours 60-74 hours 75+ hours
Pittsburgh Chinese School service award does not affect the applications for the Congressional Award or the President Volunteer Service Award.