by boardchair@pittsburgh-chinese-school.org | April 19, 2021, 12:53 p.m.
1. 祝贺新当选的董事 - 在2021年4月17日晚上举行的新董事选举和会员大会上,丁颖、曹颖、彭晔、王海滨、汪海霞、高伟当选为新董事,任期为2021年-2023年。投票会员31人,符合《章程》规定的法定投票人数。陶君彦当选候补董事。热烈祝贺新当选的董事们!
Please click and read: Meeting Minutes of New Board Member Election and Annual Membership Meeting. The active speech and sharing of ideas of all participants are greatly appreciated!
3. 中文学校给捐赠人的感谢信 - 请点击下面的链接,阅读中文学校给捐款家长和朋友的感谢信,信中公布了参与此次捐款活动的捐赠人名单。 衷心感谢参与今年捐款爱心活动的家长和朋友们!
Please click and read: Thank You Letter to Donors participating in the 2020-2021 donation initiative. Sincere thanks to these parents and friends for their contribution to the development of PCS!
4. 秋季实体课恢复 - 最近接到教育局的通知,中文学校可以秋季回到Allderdice高中恢复实体课。学校将根据疫情情况,制订具体的实体课防疫措施。
As notified by the Pittsburgh Public Schools, our PCS students can resume in-person learning classes in the Allderdice High School this fall semester. The PCS will formulate a detained COVID plan by then based on the actual pandemic situations.
5. 新教师招聘 - 部分教师由于个人原因,不能在秋季学期继续在中文学校教课。衷心感谢这些教师多年来对孩子们的谆谆教诲和辛勤付出!如果您有兴趣,或者周围的朋友喜欢到中文学校教课,请在本网站申请。
Some current PCS teachers can not teach due to personal reasons this fall semester. Sincere thanks to these teachers for their teaching and contributions! If you or your friends are interested in teaching in PCS, please apply by clicking the following link: https://www.pittsburgh-chinese-school.org/pcs/employment