Name: 少儿艺术体操舞蹈(Rhythmic Gymnastics Dance)
Category: Culture
Description: 艺术体操又称为 “地毯上的芭蕾”,是结合了现代体操和舞台艺术的体育项目。艺术体操是 一项全身运动,融体操,舞蹈,音乐于一体,追求人体的健与美。表演艺术体操可以发展 和提高柔韧,灵巧,流畅,弹性,力量和协调的身体素质,练习者不仅可以锻炼身体,增 强体质,还可以培养良好的身体姿态、节奏感、优美感、音乐素养和表现力。少儿艺术体 操舞蹈课旨在于是以艺术体操为基础结合现代舞蹈语汇表演艺术体操,不是去赛场比赛。 少儿使用圈,球,绳,棒,带进行训练,以表演艺术体操为主。 Rhythmic gymnastics, also known as "ballet on the carpet", is a sports program that combines modern gymnastics and stage art. Rhythmic gymnastics is a whole-body sport that combines gymnastics, dance and music in one, pursuing the fitness and beauty of the human body. Performing rhythmic gymnastics can develop and improve the flexibility, dexterity, fluidity, elasticity, strength and coordination of the physical body. The students can not only exercise, strengthen the body, but also cultivate a good body posture, sense of rhythm, sense of grace, music literacy and expressive power. The Rhythmic Gymnastics Dance Classes are designed to combine modern dance with rhythmic gymnastics as a basis for performing rhythmic gymnastics, not for competing. The students are trained using hoops, balls, ropes, clubs, and ribbons to perform rhythmic gymnastics.
Time: Sunday 4 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Fee: 30.00
Student limit: 20
Minimum age: 8
Maximum age: 12
Students registered: 7
Teacher: 王蔚雯
Assistant: 黄乐佳