Name: 趣味数学(Fun Math)

Category: Culture


Description: 数学是一门基础学科,需要较强的思维缜密性和逻辑推理能力。本课程希望通过一些数学趣味知识 、数学家的故事、魔术中的数学、数学游戏、趣味数学题,引导孩子走进数学,喜欢数学,加强对 数字的敏感度,提高运算能力和逻辑分析能力。 Mathematics is a basic subject that requires strong thinking and logical reasoning abilities. This course aims to guide children into mathematics, like mathematics, strengthen their sensitivity to numbers, and improve their computing and logical analysis abilities through some interesting mathematical knowledge, stories of mathematicians, mathematics in magic, mathematical games, and interesting mathematical problems.

Time: Sunday 4 p.m. - 5 p.m.

Classroom: 371

Fee: 10.00

Student limit: 20

Minimum age: 7

Maximum age: 18

Students registered: 11

Teacher: 鲍士亭

Assistant: 陈鲍宣泽


The content may involve (two semesters in one year):
1. 加减乘除的定义,正负数的由来 (The definition of addition, subtraction, multiplication and
division, the origin of positive and negative numbers)
2. 心算24 (Mental arithmetic 24)
3. 简单数论,整除问题 (Simple number theory, divisibility problems)
4. 整数分解,加减乘除速算 (Integer decomposition, quick calculation of addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division)
5. 经典代数问题:鸡兔同笼、牛吃草问题 (Classic algebra problem: chicken and rabbit in the
same cage, cow eating grass problem)
6. 简单行程、工程、比列问题 (Simple itineraries, projects, and proportion problems)
7. 简单几何距离、面积介绍 (Introduction to simple geometric distance and area)
8. 经典几何问题:拉窗帘、将军饮马问题 (Classic geometry problems: pulling the curtains and
the general drinking his horse.)
9. 简单组合排列问题 (Simple combination and arrangement problem)
10. 简单图论问题 (Simple graph theory problems)
11. 简单数列及求和问题 (Simple sequence and summation problems)
12. 简单推理问题 (Simple reasoning questions)